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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance
People & Places

People & Places

Netherlands regulatory

Clifford Chance LLP in the Netherlands comprises lawyers who are regulated by the Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten as lawyers (Advocaten), or tax advisers (Belastingadviseurs), regulated by the Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs, or civil law notaries ((Kandidaat-)Notarissen), regulated by the Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie, or foreign lawyers who are admitted in their home jurisdiction.

Clifford Chance LLP
Droogbak 1 A
1013 GE Amsterdam

Non-judicial dispute resolution procedures (see also "Complaints procedure" on Complaints Page)

Services provided by the advocaat in the Netherlands are subject to the regulations and standards of the Netherlands Bar Association (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten). If a client should feel it necessary to make a formal complaint regarding such services we will therefore follow the complaints procedure prescribed by the Dutch professional rules. A Dutch version of this procedure may be requested from the Amsterdam Compliance Officer.

If a client should feel it necessary to make a formal complaint regarding services provided as belastingadviseur in the Netherlands, such complaint may be referred to the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs).

If a client should feel it necessary to make a formal complaint regarding services provided by the (kandidaat-)notaris in the Netherlands, such complaint may be referred to the Royal Dutch Association of Civil Law Notaries (Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie).

Professional indemnity insurance

All Clifford Chance entities worldwide have professional indemnity insurance cover which is in excess of any local compulsory requirements. Further details can be obtained from the Head of Legal, Martin Power. Please contact Robert Smit for our notarial indemnity insurance.

Terms of Business

A hard copy of our terms of business can be obtained by sending an email to Contact Us.

Chamber of commerce: 34360401
VAT (BTW) registration number: NL 008695404B01.


The Notarial Third Party accounts of Clifford Chance Amsterdam are:

Derdengelden Notariaat Clifford Chance LLP

Deutsche Bank
P.O. Box 268
1000 AG Amsterdam

a)    Account No: NL78 DEUT 026 51 11 625
       (BIC Code: DEUTNL2A)
       Currency EUR

b)    Account No: NL05 DEUT 026 50 29 228
       (BIC Code: DEUTNL2A)    
       Currency GBP

c)    Account No: NL98 DEUT 026 50 12 325
       (BIC Code: DEUTNL2A)
       Currency USD

Derdengelden Notariaat Clifford Chance LLP

P.O. Box 283
1000 EA Amsterdam

a)    Account No: NL23 ABNA 062 00 04 746
       (BIC Code: ABNANL2A)
       Currency EUR

b)    Account No: NL32 ABNA 042 14 00 285
       (BIC Code: ABNANL2A)
       Currency GBP

c)    Account No: NL80 ABNA 042 13 89 915
       (BIC Code: ABNANL2A)
       Currency USD

Please contact our Notarial Department on 020-7119491 or by email before depositing any monies in one of the above notarial third party accounts.


The Lawyers Third Party accounts of Clifford Chance Amsterdam are:

Stichting Beheer Derdengelden Clifford Chance

Deutsche Bank AG  
P.O. Box 268 
1000 AG Amsterdam 

a)    Account No: NL27 DEUT 026 54 29 927
       (BIC Code: DEUTNL2A)
       Currency EUR

b)    Account No: NL24 DEUT 026 50 17 440
       (BIC Code: DEUTNL2A)    
       Currency GBP

c)    Account No: NL93 DEUT 026 50 17 459
       (BIC Code: DEUTNL2A)
       Currency USD

Stichting Beheer Derdengelden Clifford Chance

P.O. Box 251
1000 AG Amsterdam

a)   Account No: NL79 ABNA 0578 9496 52
     (BIC Code: ABNANL2A)
     Currency EUR

Please contact our Financial Department (020-7119615 or Corina Mooijer) before depositing any monies in the above third party account.

Register of legal areas

  • The advocates listed below have registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas: financial law Noor Corsten, Burak Dasdemir, Sarah van Eijk, Vincent Engel, Eveline Fasseur-Bronkhorst, Ilse van Gasteren, Frank Graaf, Jelle Hofland, Jeroen Kolthof, Tineke Kothe, Jurgen van der Meer, Mike Niekoop, Nanette Rutgers, Marina Sarkisjan, Marian Scheele, Erwin Schreuder, Bahar Sharif, Robert Smits, Herman Steinvoort, Nienke van Stekelenburgh, Amin Tamaddoni Jahromi, Carlijn Tenge, Hein Tonnaer, Martine Trip-Meijboom, Rick Verhagen, Chris Verheesen, Boudewijn Vermeer, Titus de Vries, Folko de Vries,  Florentine Wagtendonk, Dewi Walian, Marijke van der Weide, Lisa Ye
  • The advocates listed below have registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas: corporate law Dirk Berendsen, Femke Buijs, Ruben van Diepen, Laura Dolstra, Joachim Fleury, Bart van Hattum, Tim Heerschop, Sabine van den Heuvel, Stephanie Horowitz, Jan-Hendrik Horsmeier, Polly Huls, Pieter Leefers, Sebastiaan van Steenbergen, Nancy Stoke, Han Teerink, Jeroen Thijssen, Ernst van der Touw, Robin Traas
  • The advocates listed below have registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar's register of legal areas: civil procedural law Guido Bergervoet, Tiemen Drenth, Dirk Jan Duynstee, Sander Hendrix, Siert Klinkhamer, Hugo Kolstee, Juliette Luycks, Eva Matheij, Jeroen Ouwehand, Jeroen Regouw, Michael Serphos, Charlotte Spierings
  • The advocates listed below have registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas: tax law Pascal Borsjé, Stern Flik, Nolan Groenland, Robin Houtveen, Alec Sanderson, Willem Specken, Michiel Sunderman
  • The advocates listed below have registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar's register of legal areas: contract law Lotte de Bruin, Liesbeth Buiter, Johanneke Butijn, Jaap Koster, Daan Lunsingh Scheurleer, Jeroen Regouw
  • The advocates listed below have registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas: employment law Merle van den Berg, Sanne Blankestijn, Floris van de Bult, Iga Mamczarz, Najib Muslem, Astrid van Ommeren, Sara Schermerhorn
  • The advocates listed below have registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas: competition law Jurre Jurriëns
  • The advocates listed below have registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar's register of legal areas: insolvency law Evert Verwey
  • The advocates listed below have registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar's register of legal areas: privacy law Orsolya Gondos, Ügyvéd, Andrei Mikes
  • The advocates listed below have registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar's register of legal areas: general practice Ines Hoedemaeker, Stephanie Proost
  • The advocates listed below have registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas: criminal law Roel de Jong, Luce Smithuijsen

Based on this registration, they are required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.