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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance
AI & Tech<br />

AI & Tech

Understanding the opportunities and challenges AI and tech present for business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has huge transformative potential. It has a wide range of applications and offers huge benefits for businesses across sectors. Development, provision and use of AI also needs to navigate a number of risks and practical challenges – including regarding ethical use, data governance, IP and ownership, AI liability, cyber security and resilience, as well as the multi-layered and quickly evolving regulatory landscape.

Rapid advances in AI are having a significant impact on our clients' business models, growth strategies and day to day decision making. Our experts examine the big questions arising in AI deployment, and provide holistic, pragmatic legal advice to help our clients strategically manage risk as they explore AI opportunities.


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AI Principles

We are committed to maintain the highest professional standards around our use of AI, that protects our clients, adheres the law, and enhances the quality of our legal services to our clients.

View our AI Principles

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