Labour developments in Spain following commencement of the "New Normal" in the context of the Coronavirus health crisis – situation as of 30 June 2020
1 July 2020
The State of Emergency declared on 14 March has come to an end, effective 21 June 2020, with the consequent reinstatement of the freedom of movement, resumption of activities and reopening of establishments that until then had been closed.
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Spain. Novedades laborales en España al iniciarse la "nueva normalidad" en la crisis sanitaria por el Coronavirus – situación a 30 de junio de 2020
1 July 2020 -
Spain. Aspectos laborales derivados de la crisis del COVID-19
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Spain. Labour aspects in relation to the COVID-19 crisis
18 March 2020 -
COVID-19: Novedades laborales derivadas de los Reales Decretos-Leyes 9/2020 de 27 de marzo y 10/2020 de 29 de marzo
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COVID-19: New Spanish labour measures deriving from Royal Decree-Laws 9/2020, dated 27 march and 10/2020, dated 29 march
30 March 2020