Mike Niekoop is part of the Global Financial Markets group. He specializes in project finance (with a strong focus on renewable energy), digital infrastructure finance (including data centres, towers and fibre) and asset finance. Mike combines deep sector knowledge in renewables (including offshore, onshore, solar, wind, biomass, tidal wave and battery storage), aviation and infrastructure finance with legal skills and pragmatic advice. He has advised energy firms, banks, lenders, sponsors, institutional investors and aviation companies and lessors across several domestic and cross-border project & asset based transactions. He is a regular contributor to the loose-leaf publications Aircraft Liens & Detention Rights and Aircraft Finance by Sweet & Maxwell and has issued several briefings on various renewable energy related topics.
Project counsel to the 600 MW Gemini project, the largest offshore windfarm in the North Sea.
Lenders counsel in the 350 million financing of the 195 MW onshore NOP Agrowind windfarm located in the Noordoostpolder
Lenders' counsel in relation to the 144MW WestermeerWind project, a large near-shore wind farm project in the Netherlands
Lender's counsel in respect of Kreekrak, an onshore wind farm located at the Kreekrak locks on the Scheldt-Rhine Canal in the municipality of Reimerswaal in Zeeland, the Netherlands
Tocardo in relation to its envisaged project financing of a tidal wave plant
Project counsel in the project financing of a proton therapy centre with UMCG as sponsor
Lender's counsel in relation to the financing of the Holland Particle Therapy Centre, a proton therapy centre in The Netherlands
Counsel in relation to the 300 million revolving energy savings fund (Nationaal Fonds Energiebesparing)
Contributor to loose-leaf publication Aircraft Liens & Detention Rights (R.80), London: Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited trading as Sweet & Maxwell 2015 (loose-leaf and online, updated on August 2020)
Contributor to loose-leaf publication Aircraft Finance Online, London: Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited trading as Sweet & Maxwell 2019 (loose-leaf and online, published in December 2019)
Contributor to loose-leaf publication Aircraft Liens & Detention Rights (65), London: Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited trading as Sweet & Maxwell 2015 (loose-leaf and online, updated on January 2018)
Contributor to loose-leaf publication Aircraft Finance: Regulation, Security and Enforcement, London: Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited trading as Sweet & Maxwell 2015 (loose-leaf and online, updated on August 2019)
Contributor to loose-leaf publication Aircraft Liens & Detention Rights (51), London: Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited trading as Sweet & Maxwell 2015 (loose-leaf and online, updated on September 2015).