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Clifford Chance grants an excellence award to a student at Sciences Po Law School

7 October 2013

Clifford Chance grants an excellence award to a student at Sciences Po Law School

For the sixth consecutive year, the international law firm Clifford Chance has granted its Excellence Award to a student at Sciences Po Law School.

Granted every year on the basis of academic and social criteria, this award, totaling 6,000 Euros per year is intended to provide with support in his or her studies a first-year student on one of the Master's courses taught by Sciences Po Law School who is intending to become a lawyer. The award is renewed in the student's second year on the Master's course.

The award has recently been granted to Elena Chutrova, a Macedonian 24-year-old student currently in her first year of the Master's in Economic Law at the Law School. She will receive a financial contribution of 12.000 Euros paid over two years, to allow her to pursue her studies under better circumstances.

The body granting the award was made up of two representatives of Sciences Po: Christopher Jamin, Dean and Head of Sciences Po Law School and Edith Chabre, Executive Director at Sciences Po Law School, along with two partners from Clifford Chance: Jean-Pierre Grandjean, Partner, Litigation and Arbitration practice, and Emmanuel Durand, Partner, Antitrust practice.