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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance
Gender commitments<br />

Gender commitments

Inclusion & diversity

To help deliver on Clifford Chance's inclusion strategy, Change the Rules, Change the Culture, Change the Lived Experience, we have developed a wide range of tailored and targeted initiatives.

Explore our gender commitments.

Change the rules

Focusing on policy and rule change, informed by data and research, to embed inclusivity in the workplace.

Change the culture

Building awareness and deeper understanding of the importance of inclusion and the issues that underpin it – and building the capacity of our people to become actively inclusive.

  • Engaging and activating the global firm as advocates for inclusion. Through targeted events and activities, we facilitate collaboration and innovation in our work to challenge discrimination and advance our inclusion strategy. Accelerate>>> our global gender parity group, alongside our other affinity networks, at the forefront of uniting our people, clients and thought leaders to drive positive change on at our firm. Read more about Inclusion & diversity at Clifford Chance.
  • Gender parity allyship: Accelerate>>> works with firm leadership to drive change. Our Accelerate>>> groups in the UK and Asia Pacific have launched allies networks, consisting of male lawyers and business professionals who have signed up to work actively with Accelerate>>> to champion change, share ways how men can help, demonstrate best practice and provide allyship to achieve gender parity.
  • Global reverse mentoring programme: The firm continues the roll out of the programme.
  • Global Speak Up training and resources: Our Code reflects five key principles and related behaviours that are important to us – we apply these principles for our clients, each other, and our respective communities in everything we do. Our Code includes 'Speak up' as one of its five principles.

Change the lived experience

Ensuring our rule and policy changes, combined with actions to build an inclusive culture, translate into a meaningful impact on the lived experience for people in our firm – and beyond.

Diversity and inclusion and taking the time to really listen to our people is key to understanding how our initiatives are making a positive difference. As a business imperative, D&I also underpins the key themes of our long-term people and talent strategy, which focuses on the continued modernisation of our Talent Acquisition; Talent Management; Career Progression; Learning and Leadership Development; and Compensation. Our commitment to building an inclusive culture where everyone at our firm has the opportunity to thrive and succeed is integral to our ongoing work – through our reverse mentoring program, our leadership building programs, inclusion sessions for all key decision makers and allyship initiatives.

Global focus on community work and pro bono initiatives
  • Asia Pacific - We leverage high quality legal advice for community and pro bono initiatives. In 2023, our Capital Markets team has advised on Impact Investment Exchange (IIX) Women's Livelihood Bond™ (WLB) 6, which marks the world's largest orange bond. 
  • Africa - Nearly 100 colleagues from our offices around the world signed up to mentor teenage girls from Groupe Scolaire of Kimisange in Rwanda on the Coding and computer skills with NGO Women in Africa project. The project equips the girls with the digital tools, skills, and resources they need to become solutions providers to entrepreneurs, close the digital gender gap, improve gender equality and provide opportunities for girls from low-income communities in Kigali. 

Read more about how our Community and pro bono work is driving change for gender equity beyond our firm.

Inclusion at Clifford Chance

To deliver on our inclusion goals we need to embed inclusion, diversity and equity into every aspect of our business – the structure of our firm, our practices and policies – and make inclusion central to every decision.

Read more about our approach.


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