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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance
Disability<br />


Inclusion & diversity

At Clifford Chance we believe everyone is entitled to the same equality of opportunity and experience.

No one should ever feel they can't be a full and equal member of the firm or society because of a disability. The breadth of wisdom and perspective that people with different life experiences can bring to our firm across the globe only makes us stronger and better at what we do.

However, to benefit from the perspectives of our disabled people we have to constantly strive to deliver that equality of opportunity and daily experience for them.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities is marked on 3 December annually. Clifford Chance and its disability inclusion network, Enable show their support with the campaign theme #StampOutStigma. The aim is to raise awareness of the experiences of persons living with a disability or a neurodiverse condition – explore ways to dismantle barriers, promote allyship and help #StampOutStigma to advance disability inclusion.


Americas Enable network co-chair Kyle Kreshover (right), hosted a fire side chat discussion with Hayley Moss (centre), lawyer and neurodiversity expert on dismantling disability bias in Big Law. They are pictured with Ty'Meka Reeves-Sobers (left), Houston Partner.

Hong Kong

In Hong Kong the team hosted an arts and crafts workshop with Project Dignity, and a fitness session with Love21, a charity empowering the Down syndrome and autistic community.


We hosted a panel discussion for clients on disability inclusion in the workplace, featuring Charles Adams, Tanja Apholte, Martin Clemm, Barbara Lampl, Malin Schlick and Dr Heiner Hugger.

Middle East

The Middle East Enable network welcomed neurodiversity experts to help raise awareness of hidden disabilities to help #StampOutStigma 

Asia Pacific

In Asia Pacific the region hosted a fireside chat with Andrew Edmondson (Paralympian wheelchair rugby player, gold & bronze medallist and recipient of a Medal of the Order of Australia) to raise awareness of the lived experiences of disabled people and challenge misconceptions around high performance.


The team's guest speaker shared his experiences of living with a visual impairment to support understanding and appreciation of the challenges faced by differently-abled individuals.

Clifford Chance and HSBC host a power of allyship event

The panel discussion focussed on support for those with hidden disabilities and how the Hidden Disability Sunflower initiative can help amplify the power of allyship. The speakers from left to right: Annabelle Woghiren, Laura Tokell, Chris Fawcett, Annette Cmela and Celia Chartres-Aris.



Clifford Chance joined the World Party hosted by DisabilityIN

Across our global team we joined the World Party: Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPWD), hosted by DisabililtyIN. Professionals with disabilities shared personal journeys, and discussed the importance of authenticity, understanding and the need for a supportive community in the workplace.

Clifford Chance supports the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower


We're proud to have joined the globally-recognised Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme in the UK to support our colleagues and visitors to the office with non-apparent disabilities.

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Enable launches in India


Our colleagues in India have launched a new chapter of our global affinity network Enable. Global Director of Inclusion Tiernan Brady opened the event by sharing insights into the network and its objectives, followed by a Disability Awareness Workshop, facilitated by Incluzza. The workshop finished with an interactive and informative Q&A session which enabled colleagues to test their knowledge pn the topic of disability.

#StampOutStigma understanding the history of disability rights


Our Newcastle Enable Network welcomed guest speaker Dr. Elisabeth Griffiths, Associate Professor from Northumbria University Law School - raising awareness of the changes in perceptions and evolution of disability rights.



Supporting colleagues living with a disability or a neurodiverse condition. We raise awareness, provide guidance and highlight the support available within Clifford Chance, as well as provide a safe space to engage and network. We work with our Inclusion team to identify barriers and to drive change within the firm to ensure our colleagues can work and thrive at Clifford Chance.

We have an active network of Enable groups across the globe.

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Our insights

The latest points of view from our people on our responsible business activities

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