Implications for Businesses and How to Comply
The new EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation ("FSR") came into force on 12 January 2023. The FSR gives the European Commission extensive powers to investigate subsidies granted by third countries to companies active in the EU internal market, including by means of an ex ante review of transactions and public bids above certain thresholds, which will apply as of 12 October 2023. The European Commission will shortly publish its Implementing Regulation on Foreign Subsidies, which will clarify practical and procedural aspects related to the application of the FSR and present the notification forms to be used by businesses when the thresholds are exceeded. The FSR will have far-reaching implications for both EU and non-EU businesses regarding in particular their future investments in the EU.
You are invited to join our webinar where some of our top European antitrust experts from across the Clifford Chance network will give an overview of the FSR and discuss the main implications and challenges, particularly in the context of M&A. We are delighted to be joined by Grania Holzwarth, Chair of the European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association Competition Policy Taskforce, EU Vice Chair for the In House Competition Lawyers' Association, and Head of EU Competition Policy for Deutsche Telekom, who will provide insights from an in-house perspective. Alongside Grania will be a team of Clifford Chance antitrust experts including Anastasios Tomtsis, Begoña Barrantes, Caroline Scholke and Georgios Yannouchos.
Key topics:
- Scope of the FSR: What does the FSR cover and what does it not?
- Implications: What does it mean for businesses (in M&A, public procurement and beyond)?
- How to comply with the FSR: What do businesses need to do prior to 12 October
- Challenges and risks: What are the main challenges and risks for businesses?
Date: Wednesday, 12 July 2023
Time: 13:00 - 14:00 CEST | 12:00 - 13:00 BST