Growing the Green Economy: Addressing the Sustainability Challenges and Opportunities
31 July 2019
The severe warnings on climate change starkly documented by the IPCC report and others demonstrate why urgent action to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement is needed. The public, governments and legislators are taking notice and taking action. Much of the legislative effort to date has been focused on the financial system but there is an increasing emphasis on non-financial entities and the requirements that are beginning to be expected of them. These requirements stem from legislation, public pressure and possible litigation.
This publication reflects the breadth and depth of the impact of these environmental and sustainable factors. It looks at the impact of regulatory and legislative sustainability changes on, amongst others, corporates, banks and asset managers; the rise of climate change litigation and the developments in "green" and sustainable financial products across the world.
We believe the ESG and sustainability agenda must be embraced and shaped. And while we recognise that there are risks we also see opportunities for our clients. We look forward to discussing these with you.
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