Global Environment Newsletter - Summer 2018 edition
9 July 2018
This edition of the Global Environment Newsletter covers the following topics:
- INTERNATIONAL: IMO Releases its initial Greenhouse Gas Strategy for Shipping: Strategy targets 40% GHG emission reductions by 2030, with efforts to achieve 70% reductions by 2030
- INTERNATIONAL:Green Bond Principles 2018: New version refines environmental objectives and recommends independent external review
- EU: Circular Economy Package Legislation Adopted: New rules on recycling, waste separation, landfilling and extended producer responsibility to be transposed by Member States by 5 July 2020
- EU: European Commission Proposes New Protection for Whistleblowers: A new Directive seeks to improve reporting channels and prevent retaliatory behaviour
- EU: Sustainable Finance Legislative Proposals Published: A new environmental sustainable taxonomy, requirements to disclose ESG risks and carbon benchmarking
- EU/UK: The 'People Over Wind' Habitats Assessment Case: Mitigation and avoidance measures can no longer be taken into account when determining whether full habitats assessment is required for projects
- BELGIUM: New Soil Clean-Up Statute in the Walloon Region: Less stringent decontamination standards set to incentivise clean-up works
- CHINA: Recent Developments in the Hong Kong Green Bond Market: New $100bn green bond issuance programme and grant scheme established
- NETHERLANDS: Exiting Coal in the Netherlands: Dutch Government proposes a new phased ban on coal-fired power generation
- UK: Open Cast Mine Rejected on Grounds of Climate Change Impact: Possibility that applicants for development projects will need to consider supply chain impacts