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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance


The Singapore High Court sets aside arbitral award in JVL Agro Industries Ltd v Agritrade International

28 July 2016

In JVL Agro Industries Ltd v Agritrade International Pte Ltd [2016] SGHC 126, the High Court was faced with an application by the plaintiff, JVL Agro Industries Limited (JVL), to set aside an arbitral award on the basis that there had been a breach of the rules of natural justice in connection with the making of the award (amongst other grounds).

The High Court granted the application on the basis that JVL had been deprived of the opportunity to present its case. The decision is significant because it shows that although the grounds on which a court may set aside an award are few in number and narrow in scope, the courts will not hesitate to act when the circumstances justify doing so.

Singapore’s reputation as an arbitration friendly jurisdiction does not mean that tribunals have carte blanche to base their decisions on matters not submitted or argued before them.

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