Contentious Commentary - August 2015
17 August 2015
The latest edition of "Contentious Commentary", a newsletter that provides a summary of recent developments in litigation. The newsletter is produced by lawyers in the litigation and dispute resolution practice at Clifford Chance.
This edition covers the following key issues:
- Subsequent events determine the extent of any loss
- Buyer must pay for goods itconsumed despite title not passing
- Recovery of success fees not in breach of ECHR
- Loss of right to rescind also defeats damages claim
- No good faith in contractual performance
- Principal entitled to agent's papers
- Termination invalid for giving too much notice
- If it looks like a performance bond, it probably is a performance bond
- Contracts mean what they say
- Letters of credit are located where the sum due is payable
- Icelandic insolvency blocks
- English proceedings
- Limited supervision in service of claims
- Italian local authority escapes derivatives transaction
- Mitchell decision revoked because of Denton's change in law
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