One single procedure for the grant of patents: the prior examination procedure.
50% reduction in application fees, preparation of the report on the state of the art and performance of the substantive examination, and in the first 3 yearly payments for certain entrepreneurs and SMEs.
Express inclusion of supplementary protection certificates for drugs and plant protection products.
Separate regulating of the exceptions of "experimental use" and the "bolar provision".
New aspects in the regulating of actions against patent right infringement.
New aspects in matters of patent invalidity.
New procedure for the revocation or limitation of the patent before the SPTO.
New aspects in matters of patent expiry.
New aspects in matters of obligatory licences.
More precise system of employment-related inventions.
Explicit mention of the doctrine of equivalents.
Amendments of procedural rules.
Amendments in the regulating of conciliation before the SPTO on matters of employment-related inventions.
Express reference to arbitration.
Strengthening of the utility model.
Introduction of the rules of application of International Conventions.