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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance
Nish Shetty

Nish Shetty

Partner, Clifford Chance Asia*

Partner, Clifford Chance Asia*
Nish Shetty

*Clifford Chance Asia is a Formal Law Alliance in Singapore between Clifford Chance Pte Ltd and Cavenagh Law LLP

Nish Shetty specialises in dispute resolution, with a particular focus on international arbitration, restructuring & insolvency and regulatory work. He regularly advises on complex cross-jurisdictional disputes including arbitrations and is widely recognised as a leader in the field of dispute resolution in the region.

Nish is on the panel of arbitrators of most of the key arbitral institutions in the world.
He is the founder and ex-chairman of the SIAC’s Users Council, the Co-Chair of the Council of Arbitration of MCIA and the first in Asia to be appointed as a Judge of Appeal on the FIA International Court of Appeal in Paris. He is also inducted in the Hall of Fame for arbitration in Legal 500 and named as a Thought Leader for Arbitration by Who’s Who Legal 2021.

  • A global multi-national in various SIAC arbitrations involving the supply. operation and maintenance of wind turbines for wind farms in India.
  • acting for a Chinese state-owned entity in a SIAC arbitration arising out of an EPC contract for the construction of a power plant in Indonesia
  • several private equity funds in relation to consolidated SIAC arbitration in a dispute arising out of investment into an infrastructure company in India. Issues involved include compliance with the Indian FDI regime and the construction of contractual exit mechanisms.
  • PNGSDP in an ICSID arbitration in relation to the (alleged) expropriation of shares in the Ok Tedi gold and copper mine in PNG by the PNG Government. This is the largest ICSID claim to date by a Singapore incorporated company
  • Churchill Mining and Planet Mining in their ICSID arbitrations against the Indonesian government arising from the cancellation of their mining licences
  • an international company in a US$350 million BIT dispute with an Asian government
  • companies owned and controlled by one of India's most prominent developers on four LCIA arbitrations against a UK listed entity arising out of US$2.5 billion development projects in India
  • a global bank in a SIAC arbitration proceedings arising out of a dispute under a shareholder agreement regarding an Indian technology company and its Dubai-based subsidiary. The dispute involved allegations of significant fraud and legal proceedings in various jurisdictions, including India, London, Dubai and South Africa. It involved one of the first ever applications to obtain emergency relief, including worldwide Mareva relief, under the SIAC emergency arbitrator provisions
  • a leading Dubai based conglomerate in a SIAC arbitration against a BVI entity backed by an Indian promoter. This is a shareholder dispute between the parties arising out of investment in a power plant in India (worth US$1.1 billion) under a joint venture
  • Sitting as an arbitrator and Chairman of a 3-member tribunal in relation to the construction of toll roads in India

News and client work

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Contact details

Career and qualifications

  • National University of Singapore (LLB) 1994
  • Admitted as a Solicitor in Singapore 1995
  • Admitted as a Solicitor in England & Wales 2000
  • Joined Clifford Chance as a Partner 2009
  • Joined Clifford Chance Asia 2012

Professional bodies

  • Co-Chair of the Council of Arbitration of the Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration (MCIA)
  • Board Member of the Insolvency Practitioners Association of Singapore
  • Founding Chairman of the SIAC Users' Council
  • Member of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) Panel of Arbitrators
  • Member of the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA) Board of Arbitration
  • Judge of Appeal, FIA International Court of Appeal (Paris)
  • Member of the CII Task Force on Arbitration in India
  • Ex-Vice-Chairman of the Insolvency Practice Committee of the Law Society of Singapore
  • A member of the Editorial Board of the International Bar Association's Dispute Resolution International

Awards and citations

  • Nish Shetty is a highly regarded practitioner with expertise handling restructuring and insolvency litigation. One commentator describes him as "very well respected and polished." He is also known for advising on complex reorganising exercises on behalf of debtors.
    Chambers Asia Pacific 2021: Restructuring/Insolvency: International – Singapore
  • Nish Shetty is an experienced practitioner who has acted on ICSID, SIAC and ICC arbitrations, including those involving BITs. He is felt to be "an India specialist" who is strategic and commercial and provides "great on-the-spot advice."
    Chambers Asia Pacific 2021: Dispute Resolution: Arbitration – Singapore
  • Ranked in the top-tier "Hall of Fame" category in Singapore: International Arbitration by
    The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021
  • Ranked as one of the world’s top 100 international lawyers for India-related matters – a member of the “A-List” of India specialists around the world.
    India Business Law Journal 2021
  • Nish Shetty maintains an excellent reputation in the Indian dispute resolution market, with extensive experience advising on arbitration cases. He is based in Singapore and is a popular choice of counsel for clients in the banking and finance sector.
    Chambers & Partners Asia Pacific 2021: Dispute Resolution (International Firms) - India